Thursday, July 12, 2012

I Want You

I hope you're all have a very happy Thursday my lovelies! This morning I was browsing through blogs and ran across Design Love Fest's post about visiting the Poketo store in LA. I think I'm in love.
Check these out Here

Their selection of planners is got me all worked up! Fun fact about me: I LOVE buying school supplies. Pretty journals thrill me. A cute planner can make me hyperventilate. Straight up nerdy, I know. I've always been a list maker and there's just something therapeutic and relaxing about physically putting your plans in pen.

My long term plans have always been far more important to me than short term. Let's just say that waiting on myself to really decide and commit to which college I wanted to attend drove me nearly insane. I hated that I couldn't picture my life for the next year or start planning for it yet. It's safe to say this is a trait I get from my mom. My short term plans aren't as much of a bother to me unless it's for a deadline of sorts. For example, it doesn't bother me that I don't have plans set in stone for what I'll be doing next week, but I'm already becoming impatient with waiting on my syllabi so I can plan my full semester and figure out my open weekends.

So, since I'll be back in my college town in only 3 weeks and 3 days (already? seriously?) it's time for the hunt for this year's planner! Wanna help me pick one? And I think I may choose one from Poketo, here are some of my favorites.

1. Draw Your Tomorrow Planner

I can never decide if I favor larger planners or smaller planners.. I like that larger planners give me way more space to make my plans and doodle in the margins, but smaller planners are lighter and fit in everything. What I love most about the Draw Your Tomorrow Planner is the spaces it has just for drawing and spaces dedicated to lists. I LOVE LISTS. I can definitely seem myself making lots of To-Do Lists (oftentimes of things I won't actually do...) during my classes. It also has both monthly and weekly planning spaces. I think I like the blue or the grey best. Or maybe yellow. So hard to decide!

2. Perfect Mini Planner II

The Perfect Mini Planner is an adorable option if I decide to go small this year. I love that each day has a dotted line down the middle, giving it two separate white squares to write in. I imagine I would use the left side for school assignments and the right for other obligation like my sorority or fun night plans! The Perfect Mini Planner II also has its adorable predecessor, Perfect Mini Planner (pictured at top of this post), and its successor, Perfect Mini Planner III, to consider. All of them have gorgeous covers, but I'm particularly smitten with the coral and mint triangle pattern.

3. Clover Planner 
The clover planner is an organizer's dream. It has the yearly calendar, monthly calendar, and weekly calendar. SO much long term space! But my favorite part of it is that it has nice little folder flaps inside. I feel like I could actually fit my life inside of this little beauty.. But I worry that a lot of the extra stuff involved with this would go to waste. It's a decision between going minimal or going all out in this case.

4. Stick-Up Weekly Calendar
This isn't practical for an everyday planner, but I think this little sticky-note calendar would make for a great blog planner! It can be stuck on your computer so you can remember what you should be working on for your blog each day. Forcing yourself to plan the full week for your blog makes it easier not to forget about it or procrastinate. Do any of you guys use blog planners? What methods do you use to plan your blogs? I'm still learning this process and would love any ideas, feedback, or links to posts that would help!

What's your favorite Poketo planner? I'd love to know which one you think I should get and why!


  1. ohmegosh. i love design love fest and this store is so awesome! i love the clover planner. i'm a little bit ocd and having everything in one place like that is amazing. my little notebook is just not good enough anymore!

  2. Stopping by from RH, I have the sticky-note calendar and love it, but now I want the Mini Planner after seeing it here, ah love it!
