Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Lovely Things Are

 Just another post to remind myself just how lucky I am to be surrounded by so many lovely things in my life. These are what all the lovely things are to me!

I hope you take a moment to reflect and see all the wonderful things in your life, whether they're big or small! Life is short guys, I can just feel it flying by me and I hope I don't forget to stop and notice all the things that have made my life such an awesome ride. Have a great Thursday, I'll be back in my home country soon and hopefully I'll be bringing back some really cool ideas for my blog this August! :)
with love, lindsay


  1. You got a good gratitude attitude, girl!


    Melissa @ Melicious

    1. Thanks Melissa! I really try to keep that attitude because it's so much easier to be negative. it takes real work to be positive!

  2. Oh my god those pugs <3 Are they both yours? xo

    1. Hi Dorien, we haven't met before! Thanks for stopping by my blog :) and yes, they both belong to my family so they're mine! Sofia is on the left and Baxter is on the right. They're just puppies still
