For the third part of my Story Behind the Scar series (see
Part 1, my story and
Part 2, Jessie's story), Sarah from
Whimsical Mumblings has offered to share her story with us. Sarah, it means so much to me that you would take the time to tell us about your scars, especially since I know this was a hard story for you to share!
I must have thousands of scars all
over my body. I have quite a funny scar on my hip, where I flew off a child’s
roundabout at a local playground. Haha.
I am going to be talking about the
large amount of small scars all over my legs.
I have suffered from pretty bad eczema for my whole life. I’ve
always had small scars on my legs, and I’ve tried all kinds of tablets, creams,
soaps and nothing gets rid of it. I am a really bad itcher. Yup, I itch like crazy. Generally it’s just when I’m
stressed, so most of the time, when I’m calm, I don’t tend to itch. The trouble
is though, where ever I have scratched turns into a scar. So every teeny tiny
bit of eczema turns into a scar. I itch when I’m stressed, and I get stressed
because I itch. It’s a vicious circle.
I’ve tried. Not anything
drastic like surgery but I’ve tried all the different types of scar healing creams
you can buy. I’ve tried homemade
remedies, I’ve tried herbal remedies. Nope, nothing. Still there. I don’t know
if I could live with them forever if they don’t even start to disappear.
Truthfully they do make me unhappy.
I can’t wear skirts, I
can’t wear shorts unless I wear thick tights or leggings.
I boil in the summer
because I’m too hot under so many layers, but I don’t want anyone to see. I
don’t want people to be freaked out, or worse, feel sorry for me.
I wish I didn’t have them,
I wish there was some miracle cure, but there’s not. I’m not having surgery, so
I’ll just have to cope I guess.
Luckily, my boyfriend
doesn’t mention them, so I feel a bit more comfortable and he’s gradually
helping me build up my confidence again.
Hopefully one day, they’ll
fade enough for me to be able to get my legs out.
Until then, thankfully I’ve
got a massive amount of tights & fake tan.
Thank you again so much for sharing your story and this little part of yourself with all of us. Everyone make sure you stop by her
blog to show her some love and tell her how wonderful she is :) And I hope that everyone can walk away from the posts in these series remembering...
Photo by me, Modeling by my roommate |
Whether your scars are physical, emotional, or even both... you are so much more than them or their story. And don't you ever forget it :)
If you're interested in being a part of this series, please email me at! I would love to share your story with my readers.