Monday, December 17, 2012

Since You've Been Gone

Or I guess this post would be more properly titled "Since I'VE Been Gone.." I'm home from the most hectic and most wonderful semester of my college life thus far. I made 9 amazing new friends that I consider to be a little family and feel like I sincerely learned more about myself and about design.
I don't come with any promises of blogging more often, because with a family like this (my actual blood family as well) and a busy schedule, this blog just isn't a part of my life anymore. That may seem sad, but I'm in love with this chapter of my life. My last one as a college undergraduate and I want to be a part of it 100% of the way. I hope you have all been wonderful, and I wish you the best on whatever chapter of life you may be in. 

with love,


Monday, August 27, 2012

Love is All You Need

Hi there lovelies, today I have a very special little guest post from Sarah of Whimsical Mumblings! She has a really cool little project that she's starting up and wants to share it with all of you :)

Hey there!
I’m Sarah from Whimsical Mumblings :)
I’m here today because I wanted to share a project with you. I’m really excited about it.
It’s called:
First of all, I wanna say, who doesn't love receiving exciting little packages in the post?
I know I do. I literally do a little dance every time I get something nice in the post. :)

The project that I've come up with is basically to 'give a little love' to someone.
Someone you've never met, someone who lives miles away from you.
And in return, they will give you a little love back.

Like I said, everyone loves receiving exciting things in the post, so the plan is for every person who participates, I will link them up with someone else and they will send each other a small package in the post!

I think it will be awesome & exciting! :)

If you’re interested in finding out more or signing up for the project, click here.

I’ll look forward to hearing from you lovelies!

All my love,
Sarah xox

Sunday, August 26, 2012

hello friends

The Lovely Things Are will be taking things pretty slowly while I adjust into my Back to School mode. I'm hoping that TLTA can become more of a creative outlet than something that needs constant updating. Something I can use to unleash a few ideas or when I need a break from all the work I have on my plate. I'm a senior this year, and even though that means in some ways I'm less busy, I'm also MUCH more busy than I have ever been.

What really makes this year different is that I'm working with a first student staffed full service advertising agency. Our specialty is the youth and young adult market and we actually work with real paying clients. It's an amazing opportunity and I'm so blessed to be a graphic designer on one of our agency's three teams. BUT this also means I almost always have work I should be doing. I'm lucky that this also means I will be surrounded by very talented and creative people all year long!
At the end of the day though, this is my last year as an undergraduate, and possibly my last year in college... and I REALLY want to make it count! There is no other time like this in my life so I want to make sure I balance all the work with lots of fun! Well, you'll still be hearing from me from time to time my friends, I hope all is well where you are.
with love, lindsay

Monday, August 20, 2012

Bid Day 2012

I CAN FINALLY SHARE MY BANNER! I put a lot of work into making this banner great for bid day.. Lots of stress, maybe even a little crying.. but in the end we came up with something I'm proud to share with you all. Our theme was Dia De Los Pi Phi. We took it in a sort of boho/free people direction with lots of flowers and big hanging chinese lanterns in the yard.
 I got to spend my last bid day ever with my two best Pi Phi friends, Brooke and Morgan. We've been close ever since we were roommates in the Pi Phi house sophomore year, and now we're old! It's still hard to believe that after this year I probably won't be in the same city as either of them.
 Here's my senior pledge class celebrating our the beginning of the end! The letters were designed by a senior and they turned out SO cute and correlated very well with the banner.
This amazing girl, Emily, was my co-banner chair. The banner was practically all her in the end, I couldn't have survived banner committee time without her!
with love, lindsay

Friday, August 17, 2012

Lindsay's List

Hello my lovelies! I've decided to start a brand new feature called Lindsay's List. The concept is pretty simple... It's just making lists. A fun fact about me is that I adore making lists. Whether it's a to-do list, a list of people I'm inviting to a party, a list of facts, or a list of different things I want... I just love making lists. I think it makes me feel more organized than I truly am? Who knows.

This week, I want to share some of the bags I've been lusting after! All summer I complained that I need a MUCH larger bag, but have done nothing about it. After a little browsing, here are some bags I'm really in love with.
Belinda Tote from Anthropologie
Wisdom by Winston Tote from Mod Cloth

Ecote Patterned Canvas Backpack from Urban Outfitters

Camp Director Tote from Mod Cloth

What I'm really on the search for is a large cross body with a pocket on the outside I can throw my phone in and easily get out. Anyone have suggestions for me?
with love, lindsay

Thursday, August 16, 2012

I've Missed You, Blog!

Hi there readers, old and new. As some of you may have noticed, there's been a large gap in my posts for about the past two weeks. I told myself that I would be able to handle blogging during my sorority work week and recruitment, and I may have been able to... if my apartment had internet. For some reason I just can't get my internet to work at home, so I'm stuck with sneaking in these few hours today in my sorority house so I can give you a little update on what's going on... And try to schedule some posts to get me through this whole lack of internet thing. So now for some updates on my life!
Our work week is over and now we're in the heart of actually recruiting girls. Recruitment is literally one of the weirdest and most organized systems. And it can make us all into over emotional lunatics. The only way to describe the past two weeks is an emotional roller coaster. Your highs are so high and your lows... Oh your lows are lower than you knew possible. But at the end of the week, we all get to celebrate with our brand new and completely adorable baby pledge class that we worked so hard to get and you are freed from all the crazy you've been!
The early mornings and late nights may tire me out completely. Maybe my cheeks ARE sore from smiling at so many girls for 8+ hours, but I'm happy I have my sorority friends by my side the whole time. Yeah yeah, it's super cheesy. But it's just true. The reason any of us go through this is because we know our friends we've made are worth it, and we're looking to bring great new ones into our lives.
On top of all of this mess, I believe I mentioned to you that I had two of my closest friends turn 21 during our work week. I was in charge of BOTH of their "shot books" and it sort of nearly killed me. A typical "shot book" would include 21 pages from 21 friends with a WHO (Who did you take the shot with?), WHAT (What shot did you take?), WHEN (What time did you take it?), WHERE (What bar or house did you take it at?), SIGNATURE (Sign your name and watch it get worse as you drink more.) My two friends were smart enough not to try and take 21 shots in a single night... So instead I made them "memory books." For Morgan (the book above) I had pages from friends and family, a place for a picture of her first legal purchase, and some fun "sorority" and "football" pages to add a little something special. In Andie's (the book below) I had all of this and different drink/shot recipes. Andie had never drank before her 21st birthday and wanted suggestions from friends!
I've been working with my apartment complex to get my internet back up and going, so hopefully I will be able to blog more often very soon! I hope you all have had a wonderful past 2 weeks.
I've really missed you all :)
with love, lindsay

Thursday, August 9, 2012

I've Been Out...

For a while, I know I know.

I've been crazy busy for my sorority recruitment work week and 2 different friends had their 21st birthdays. On top of all this I'm sick. Rough week to say the least. But I've been making the most of it and enjoying time with friends I haven't seen all summer! Here are just a few snapshots of what my week has consisted of.

I'm the banner chair for my sorority and I've been hard at work on the bid day banner for this year. I can't WAIT until bid day so I can share my design and the theme! Have a great week everyone :)

Monday, August 6, 2012

The Story Behind The Scar: Sarah's Story

For the third part of my Story Behind the Scar series (see Part 1, my story and Part 2, Jessie's story), Sarah from  Whimsical Mumblings has offered to share her story with us. Sarah, it means so much to me that you would take the time to tell us about your scars, especially since I know this was a hard story for you to share!

I must have thousands of scars all over my body. I have quite a funny scar on my hip, where I flew off a child’s roundabout at a local playground. Haha.

I am going to be talking about the large amount of small scars all over my legs.

I have suffered from pretty bad eczema for my whole life. I’ve always had small scars on my legs, and I’ve tried all kinds of tablets, creams, soaps and nothing gets rid of it. I am a really bad itcher. Yup, I itch like crazy. Generally it’s just when I’m stressed, so most of the time, when I’m calm, I don’t tend to itch. The trouble is though, where ever I have scratched turns into a scar. So every teeny tiny bit of eczema turns into a scar. I itch when I’m stressed, and I get stressed because I itch. It’s a vicious circle.

I’ve tried. Not anything drastic like surgery but I’ve tried all the different types of scar healing creams you can buy.  I’ve tried homemade remedies, I’ve tried herbal remedies. Nope, nothing. Still there. I don’t know if I could live with them forever if they don’t even start to disappear. Truthfully they do make me unhappy.
I can’t wear skirts, I can’t wear shorts unless I wear thick tights or leggings.
I boil in the summer because I’m too hot under so many layers, but I don’t want anyone to see. I don’t want people to be freaked out, or worse, feel sorry for me.
I wish I didn’t have them, I wish there was some miracle cure, but there’s not. I’m not having surgery, so I’ll just have to cope I guess.
Luckily, my boyfriend doesn’t mention them, so I feel a bit more comfortable and he’s gradually helping me build up my confidence again.
Hopefully one day, they’ll fade enough for me to be able to get my legs out.
Until then, thankfully I’ve got a massive amount of tights & fake tan.

Thank you again so much for sharing your story and this little part of yourself with all of us. Everyone make sure you stop by her blog to show her some love and tell her how wonderful she is :) And I hope that everyone can walk away from the posts in these series remembering...
Photo by me, Modeling by my roommate
Whether your scars are physical, emotional, or even both... you are so much more than them or their story. And don't you ever forget it :)

If you're interested in being a part of this series, please email me at! I would love to share your story with my readers.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Vacay Sneak Peek

As you read this post I will be in the middle of a LONG post vacay commute back to college! I'm so sad my vacation is over and that I won't even get to stop by my home for a minute, but I'm also excited because by late tonight I will be reunited with BFF-Shmorg so she can give me a ride back to school :) I want to keep this post short and sweet with some of my favorite vacation photos!
Hopefully I'll get to share more with you when I get settled back in at school. Hope you all have a great rest of your weekend!
with love, lindsay

Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Lovely Things Are

 Just another post to remind myself just how lucky I am to be surrounded by so many lovely things in my life. These are what all the lovely things are to me!

I hope you take a moment to reflect and see all the wonderful things in your life, whether they're big or small! Life is short guys, I can just feel it flying by me and I hope I don't forget to stop and notice all the things that have made my life such an awesome ride. Have a great Thursday, I'll be back in my home country soon and hopefully I'll be bringing back some really cool ideas for my blog this August! :)
with love, lindsay