Thursday, May 31, 2012

Goal: Make Better First Impressions

Tuesday of this week I started my new job! I'm a creative intern at an advertising agency and I'm so excited about it, but it also means I'm making multiple first impressions every day! It's not that I think I normally make a bad first impression, but I'm the type who can be quiet and shy when I first meet someone. In a big agency being quiet and shy and also make you look weak and forgettable. I was browsing through when I came across this study on first impressions. In short it reinforces how strong first impressions actually are. They can be so strong that any action to counteract that first impression will often just be seen as an "exception to the rule" rather than the truth and it takes multiple occasions in different contexts to prove you aren't your first impression. So how am I going to improve the first impressions I give?

1. Take risks. This is something that I often find I don't do right away. The only way I have a chance at making stronger first impressions is to take the risk of saying whatever comes to my mind rather than overanalyzing what the other person will think of it.

2. Speak up. I need to work on asking more questions and giving longer answers, otherwise I'm making the other person do all the work in getting to know me. And no one wants to be the only person making the effort.

3. Be interested in them. Showing an interest in them will hopefully give them a much more favorable impression of you. If they think you care about them, they're bound to care more about you. But remember to be genuinely interested, people can tell the difference.

4. Find a common interest. Finding a common interest immediately could help to warm things up immediately. If they're interested in something that you are you create an instant bond with the person.

5. Be completely honest and completely genuine. Sometimes putting on your polite face for a first impression can have the opposite effect intended. You don't want to be impolite, but avoid being over the top if you're not always over the top. Don't be so quiet if you aren't always so quiet. All in all be who you are and have good manners. People respect those who are being true to themselves and trust in them much more than if they suspect you're not being you.

So wish me the best of luck in attempting to carry out this goal over the next week or two, hopefully soon I can write a post about my internship! love, lindsay

Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend

Before Lexx came into town I was lucky enough to spend some time with my boy. We had a great time with the puppies and going to eat at one of our favorite places, Velvet Taco. They also have a fabulous specialty beer that we were able to enjoy.
Most of my weekend was spent my the pool with Lexx (and the pug pups, Sofia and Baxter) drinking Margaritas with frozen berries for ice and enjoying our pretty new swimsuits. Surprisingly lots of berries were consumed this weekend because my mom and her best friend made delicious berry cobbler! I was happy to have a wonderful last full weekend of summer before I start my internship tomorrow and begin living in the "real world." I can't wait to share all my experiences there on the blog! love, lindsay

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Goal: Make Old Friendships Last

Where would we all be in life without our friends? Friends are the ones who make our lives worth the while and seem to be able to handle our problems when we can't. One of my personal goals is to constantly seek the kind of friendships that will last. I also make it a goal to keep up with friends from the past that I want to stay in my life. My best friend from high school will be coming to visit me for Memorial weekend. I'm so excited to have girl time by the pool with her and catch up over drinks now that we're both 21! Also, I'm really hoping we make time for some photo adventures! She was my photography partner-in-crime during high school, serving as my model for so many photo-shoots, I'm really excited to maybe get out and use my camera again.
Lexx and I became friends when we were about 15 years old, but the past 3 years of our friendship have been spent going to colleges in different states. So how do you not just maintain a friendship from a  distance, but keep it active and strong? Here are a few things that have helped Lexxi and I over the past few years.

1. Communicate. Communicate. COMMUNICATE. As cheesy and typical as this piece of advice sounds, it is the absolute key to make a friendship survive. With technology like Skype and texting it should be the easiest thing in the world, but sometimes we take for granted that we have the ability to communicate with a friend almost constantly. Use your resources and keep asking them about their life! If they want the friendship to last they'll return the favor and ask you too.

2. Still go to your long distance friends for advice. Sometimes when your friend is far away, they don't completely understand a situation you may be in. Maybe they don't know the people, place, or attitude of the new place you live, so it starts to seem silly to ask them for advice. It's not! An outsider's opinion sometimes can be 100 times better than the opinions of those who are too close to see the situation. So don't ever be afraid to call up your friend and ask them for their two cents!

3. Make solid plans to visit in advance. If you don't sit down with them over Skype and set a solid weekend to visit, chances are it will never happen. You just find yourself saying, "You should come visit soon!" or "I really want to come see you some time!" In these situations, 'sometime' and 'soon' may never come. It just takes 15 minutes to pick an exact date, so do it! Plus, it gives you something to look forward to and something fun to talk about.

4. Send each other mail. Everyone loves getting mail. Whether it's a letter or a package, real mail is just something so personal as compared to the text messages and emails of today's communication world. Maybe you send each other post cards or the doodles you drew in class that made you think of them, but in the end a friend always appreciates the time taken to send them a little piece of you!

5. Be patient. Everyone is busy sometimes, and some of us are just busy all the time! Sometimes when we aren't busy it's hard to remember that our far away friends may be. They're on different schedules than us and have different needs to meet, which can make it hard to keep communication and plans in sync. Just remember not to get frustrated! Your friend probably wants to talk to you too, but if they're too busy they just can't. Be patient with them and they'll be patient with you when you're end of things gets a little crazy.
Lexx and I wish you a very happy Memorial Day Weekend and hope you have fun with some great friends! love, lindsay

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Hot Yoga

Summer is when you have the time to get back into shape. During the school year I tend to work out less and eat worse than when I'm home. Therefore in summer I always lust after all the lovely yoga clothes from places like Lululemon and Victorias Secret.  Here are just a handful of lovely things that are inspiring me to get my summer workout on!

There's nothing like adorable workout stuff to make you wanna get out there and get healthy. It's a big goal for me to really improve the quality of my health, and hot yoga is a wonderful way to do that. 

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Lovely Things Are

Hello lovelys, welcome to the first post on The Lovely Things Are blog! My name is Lindsay Wright and I'm the author of this brand new blog. My goals for this blog are incredibly broad, but hopefully clear. My blog is about promoting growth and constant self-improvement in my life (and hopefully my future readers' lives) through my heart, my mind, and my body. I want to feel completely lovely from the inside out and to always be proud of who I am and who I am becoming. Growing up is a part of life, and my hope is that this blog can be a tool to make sure growing is done right.

Have a lovely day,
xoxo Lindsay