Hi there readers, old and new. As some of you may have noticed, there's been a large gap in my posts for about the past two weeks. I told myself that I would be able to handle blogging during my sorority work week and recruitment, and I may have been able to... if my apartment had internet. For some reason I just can't get my internet to work at home, so I'm stuck with sneaking in these few hours today in my sorority house so I can give you a little update on what's going on... And try to schedule some posts to get me through this whole lack of internet thing. So now for some updates on my life!

Our work week is over and now we're in the heart of actually recruiting girls. Recruitment is literally one of the weirdest and most organized systems. And it can make us all into over emotional lunatics. The only way to describe the past two weeks is an emotional roller coaster. Your highs are so high and your lows... Oh your lows are lower than you knew possible. But at the end of the week, we all get to celebrate with our brand new and completely adorable baby pledge class that we worked so hard to get and you are freed from all the crazy you've been!
The early mornings and late nights may tire me out completely. Maybe my cheeks ARE sore from smiling at so many girls for 8+ hours, but I'm happy I have my sorority friends by my side the whole time. Yeah yeah, it's super cheesy. But it's just true. The reason any of us go through this is because we know our friends we've made are worth it, and we're looking to bring great new ones into our lives.

On top of all of this mess, I believe I mentioned to you that I had two of my closest friends turn 21 during our work week. I was in charge of BOTH of their "shot books" and it sort of nearly killed me. A typical "shot book" would include 21 pages from 21 friends with a WHO (Who did you take the shot with?), WHAT (What shot did you take?), WHEN (What time did you take it?), WHERE (What bar or house did you take it at?), SIGNATURE (Sign your name and watch it get worse as you drink more.) My two friends were smart enough not to try and take 21 shots in a single night... So instead I made them "memory books." For Morgan (the book above) I had pages from friends and family, a place for a picture of her first legal purchase, and some fun "sorority" and "football" pages to add a little something special. In Andie's (the book below) I had all of this and different drink/shot recipes. Andie had never drank before her 21st birthday and wanted suggestions from friends!

I've been working with my apartment complex to get my internet back up and going, so hopefully I will be able to blog more often very soon! I hope you all have had a wonderful past 2 weeks.
I've really missed you all :)
with love, lindsay